Here’s the common cycle of how traders approach backtesting:
- Have an idea
- Backtest a strategy
- Find out it doesn’t work
- Make tweaks and backtest again
- Use strategy if backtest is profitable
- Do steps 1-5 until a profitable strategy is found
What do you notice wrong with this?
While it does help a trader eventually find a profitable strategy, a missing step exists in this cycle causing traders to be stuck in an infinite loop.
That missing step is verifying an idea before backtesting it.
What do I mean by this?
Verifying an idea refers to finding out if an idea has value — in this context, value refers to exploitable statistics. This could be:
- The maximum, minimum, and average moves after a period
- How many times it appears in a day/week/month
- The difference in performance when filtering by days or months traded
Having this information lets you quickly find out if an idea is worth backtesting. Verifying an idea gives you a set of ideal parameters when you backtest so you’re not wasting time tweaking an inherently unprofitable strategy.
Lack of time is a major issue stopping traders from finding profitability
Most humans today have busy lives where they have to clock in and out each week and use their weekends to rest.
Finding a profitable strategy without idea verification can take weeks or months for someone busy — even if they are using AI backtesting software.
If the root issue of a strategy lacking value remains, backtesting becomes a process of trial and error instead of finding ways to maximise inherently profitable strategies.
Here’s an example to break it down…
Let’s say we have Trader A and Trader B.
Trader A:
- Finds a strategy they saw on YouTube that claimed to be profitable.
- Backtests it and finds out it’s not profitable.
- Continues making tweaks to find profitability.
- Engages in biased backtesting to enforce profitability.
Trader B:
- Finds a strategy they saw on YouTube that claimed to be profitable.
- Verifies the strategy idea to see if there’s value in it.
- Backtests the strategy with parameters suggested from verification.
- Has a profitable strategy and the option of tweaking it to maximise profitability.
Which trader would have an easier time finding a profitable strategy?
It’s Trader B – they are taking a data-driven approach to find a working strategy whereas Trader A is relying on third-party information to be correct.
TradrLab is the tool to verify trading ideas before backtesting them
The insights TradrLab generates let you know whether to continue or discard a trading idea in minutes. Say goodbye to the long way of finding a profitable strategy.
TradrLab provides the necessary framework to go from idea to bulletproof strategy…And it will be available in Q4 2024!
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