Trading: Solo vs Team. Which is Better?
Discover the differences between trading solo and in a team. The route you take is critical to your trading success.
Why New Traders Should Run Away From AI (for now)
AI is not your friend when you start trading. Here's why you should learn how to trade first before progressing to AI-based trading.
Why Trading and Dating Are No Different
There are too many similarities. Learning from them could help you become a better trader.
How To Treat Trading Like a Business (because it is one)
Trading and business are no different. Learn how to easily master a business-minded approach to trading.
Possibility vs Probability In Trading
A probability mindset makes you ___ but a possibility mindset makes you ___
The Result of a Trade is Random — It’s Like Flipping a Coin
The outcome of a trade is random. It doesn't matter if it's crypto, forex, futures or indices. Here's how you should approach the markets.
Don’t Look For What Works In Trading
The headline seems quite contrary to popular opinion because looking for what works in trading would make you a winner, right? Well, not exactly.
The 4 Pitfalls Converting Traders Into Gamblers Overnight
Learn why most traders are really just disuguised gamblers. Avoid their mistakes to have a better trading experience.
What is TradrLab? (and what it isn’t)
Find out what TradrLab exactly is and how it will benefit you as a trader.